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Test: test of idiocy

Category: Think You Know Me

Description: people test how much of an idiot they are


if you divide 6 by 1/3 then add 4 what is the answer

6 duh crap i cant find my calculator hmmm 22 i haven't learned division yet

do people call you stupid

yes no

if you were given a choice between 50 yen and 1 dollar what would you take

50 yen 1 dollar what is a yen i would kill you and take it all

you consider yourself an idiot

True False

do alternate universes exist

um yeah i guess of course not are you insane yes but only on tuesdays wait you are a tranuniveresal travler aren't you

are you male or female

male female what do YOU think i am

why did you take this test

so borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred i just wanted to know how smart i was why did you want to know you stawlker wait what this is a test

do you surround yourself with people dumber than you

Yes No

if a man's widow shoots him should he divorce her

Yes No only if he can afford the lawyer well he cant

are you annoyed at me for not putting in a question mark

Yes No


Test Of Idiocy


Of Idiocy