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Test: Scrum

Category: Software

Description: Scrum methodology

Keywords: Scrum quz, learning Scrum, free scrum

Relevant Website: www.sometests.com

There are three roles such as Product Owner, Scrum Master and Scrum team in SCRUM

True False

Requirements are captures in high volume do***ents

True False

Product owner will address the empediments faced by the scrum team

True False

Scrum name is derived from rugby game

True False

Sprint backlog is not derived from Product Backlog

True False

Sprint Planning meeting is done at the end of each Sprint

True False

Burndown charts provides information on velocity

True False

Requirements are prioritized and maintained in Product Backlog

True False

Improvements based on the learning are identified in Release Meeting

True False

The budget of the software product is determined in the first Release Planning meeting.

True False


6th Question. The budget of the software product is determined in the first Release Planning meeting. I hope the answer is false. As per the SBOK guide, the budget is determined during the project vision statement creation which is far before the Release planning. The release planning usually deals with the completion of the work within a scheduled time, deciding the number of planned sprints, each sprint duration. 8Th Question Product owner will address the impediments faced by the scrum team? The answer is false I hope as impediments to the team are addressed by Scrum Master not the Produt owner. Good one, although it is basic..
Scrum Some Tests


Some Tests