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Test: The Florida Snake Test

Category: Reptiles

Description: How well do you know the snakes of Florida?

What type of snake is this?

Scarlet King Snake Coral Snake Corn Snake Eastern Corn Snake

What type of snake is this?

Timber Rattlesnake Southeastern crowned snake Swamp snake Black Racer

The corn snake can live up to ___ years.

3 5 10 20

What type of snake is this?

Black racer Black mamba Cottonmouth Ribbon snake

Although the black racer's binomial name is the Coluber constrictor, it does not actually subdue its prey by way of constriction.

True False

What type of snake is this?

Rat snake Corn snake Pine snake Redbelly snake

What type of snake is this?

Garter Snake Pygmy Rattlesnake Rat Snake Corn Snake

What type of snake is this?

Southern Racer Diamondback Rattlesnake Scarlet Snake Pygmy Rattlesnake

What type of snake is this?

Pygmy Rattlesnake Corn Snake Rat Snake Cottonmouth

The venom of the copperhead is more toxic than the cottonmouth.

True False

What type of snake is this?

Spotted Rattlesnake Pygmy Rattlesnake Muted Rattlesnake Timber Rattlesnake

What type of snake is this?

Corn Snake Rat Snake Southern Copperhead Eastern Pine Snake

How many venomous snakes are native to Florida?

4 6 8 9

Which type of snake is related to the cobra?

Ribbon Snake Corn Snake Cottonmouth Coral Snake

What type of snake is this?

Coral Snake Scarlet King Snake Rat Snake Ringneck Snake


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