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Test: Trevors Star Wars Test

Category: Movies

Description: A test to see what you know about Star Wars.


How many episodes of Star Wars do you see the Death Star?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Who is Zam Wessel?

A jedi A sith A person A Bounty Hunter

What species is Admiral Ackbar?

Gun Gun Kaminoean Mon Calamari Geonosian

The name of the code Darth Sideous called for the clones to attack all jedi was called: Code 76.

True False

What species is Shaak Tii?

Mon Calamari Twi, Lek Gun Gun Geonosian

When Anakin first met Padme he said, "Hi, How are you".

True False

Who does Han Solo shoot in the Cantina on Tatooine in episode 4?

Zuccas 4-LOM Dengar Greedo

What kind of alien is Captain Tarpals?

Geonosian Gun Gun Wookie Kaminoean

Does Darth Vader have an apprentice?

Yes No

Who starts out as a Jedi, turns into a sith, and then turns back into a Jedi?

Obi-Won Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Luke Skywalker Shaak Tii

When Anakin was a kid, who did he work for?

Jabba the Hutt Watto Sebulba Obi-Won

How many planets was Luke on in episodes 4-6? (The Death Star doesnt count.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In episode 4 when Luke is going to destroy the Death Star, what is Lukes code name?

Red Leader Red 5 Rogue Leader Rogue 5

Which one of these first names belonged to Han Solos and Leias children?

Mara Sam Yakip Jacen

In episode 3 what is the name of the wookie leader.

Chewbecca Tarful Wicket Merfilla

Who was Qui-Gon Jinn's apprentice?

Anakin Skywalker Luke Skywalker Obi-Won Kenobi Kit Fisto

In episodes 1-3 who was Darth Sideous pretending to be?

The Chancellor A jedi A normal person A clone trooper

What body part did Anakin cut off of Count Dooku in Episode 3?

Arm Leg Head None

On Cloud City, Darth Vaders plan was to freeze Han Solo in what?

Tarbonite Kryptonite Cargonite Carbonite

Plokoon escaped from the clone troopers?

True False

When Padme had her babies in episode 3 where did Luke go to grow up?

Tatooine, with Watto. Dagobah, with Yoda. Tatooine, with Obi-Won. Tatooine, with Owen and Beru.

How many episodes was Grand Moff Tarkin in?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Who cuts off Anakins arm?

Obi-Won Count Dooku Darth Maul Darth Sideous

What is the name of the ship Anakin uses in the Clone Wars?

Jedi Star Fighter Republic Gunship V-Wing Twilight

How many episodes is Obi-Won in?

1 2 3 4 5 6

What kind of ship crashes into the Super Star Destroyer?

X-Wing B-Wing Y-Wing A-Wing V-Wing

What species are the pig looking Aliens on Bespin?

Mon Calamari Twi'Lek Gun Gun Ugnaught

In episode 3, Obi-Won Kenobi killed Anakin Skywalker.

True False

The sand people on Tatooine are called Jawas.

True False

Who was the commander of the clones in episode three on Utapau?

Commander Cody Commander Gree Commander Fox Commander Rex

In Episode 1, who were the last 2 people left in the Pod Race?

Anakin and Sebulba Shaak Tii and Luminara Sebulba and Shaak Tii Shaak Tii and Anakin Sebulba and Luminara Luminara and Anakin

What planet does Yoda live on in episode 5 and 6?

Kashyyyk Endor Naboo Dagobah

In episode 4, how many Tie fighters were behind Luke when he was going to destroy the Death Star?

1 2 3 4 5

What planet does the first Death Star orbit above?

Endor Dantooine Naboo Yavin

How many jedi went to fight Darth Sideous in episode 3?

2 4 6 5

What type of armor does Boba Fett wear?

Bounty Hunter Armor Mandalorian Armor Modified Royal Guard Armor Specialized Storm Trooper Armor

What is the name of Luke Skywalkers son?

Kenny Ben Micheal Eathan

Who is Anakins Apprentice?

Kit Fisto Shaak Tii Ahsoka Tano Kiadi Mundi

Who is Boss Nass the leader of?

Gun Guns Wookies Ewoks Hutts

What is the name of Luke Skywalkers wife?

Phalen Sidney Mara Sarah


Word of advice; how about you know something about the thing you're testing other people's knowledge on. Okay?