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Test: The uuuhhh... other Star Wars test

Category: Movies

Description: Test yourself in star wars knowledge to see if you are a Jedi Master or a Padawan Learner.

Keywords: Star, Wars, Test, Star Wars Test

What is the name of Padme's decoy?

Corde' Tyria Rayna

Which Docking Bay was the Millenium Falcon in while Han and Chewie were on Tatooine?

Docking Bay 94 Docking Bay 85 Docking Bay 38 Docking Bay 16

Who plays Obi-wan Kenobi in Episodes IV,V, and VI?

Alec Guinness Mark Hamill Hayden Christianson Ewan McGregor

What is Commander Cody's unit number?

2224 4702 1173 8492

What planet did Qui-Gon say that he has seen pod racing on?

Malastare He never said that he has seen pod racing. He said that he has seen pod racing, but he didn't mention what planet. Dagary Minor Tatooine Coruscant

In the original trilogy, what actor plays as the Famous Bounty Hunter Boba Fett?

Jeremy Bulloch Mark Hamill James Earl Jones Harrison Ford

True Or False: At some point in Episode IV, Darth Vader is aware that he has a son and a daughter.

True False

Which one of Han and Leia's children die?

Anakin Miko Jacen Jaina

True Or False: There is a clone commander shown in Episode III that is named Oddball.

True False

What is the name of the highest of the Yuuzhan Vong gods?

Yun-Yuuzhan Yun-Shuno Yun-Amini Yun-Vong

What is the name of Luke Skywalker's Wife?

Mara Jade Aylius Valin Leia

What is Commander Bacara's unit number?

1138 2224 5052 8826

How many medi-chlorians does Anakin Skywalker have?

Over 25,000 Over 20,000 Over 15,000 Over 10,000

Before Palpatine was elected, who was the Supreme Chancellor?

Chancellor Valorum Chancellor Duloram Chancellor Typho

True Or False: At some point in Episode V, Darth Vader is aware that he has a son and a daughter.

True False

Which clone commander killed Aayla Secura?

Commander Bly Commander Thire Commander Gree Commander Appo Commander Bacara Commander Neyo

Who plays Anakin in Episode I?

Jake Lloyd Allen Davis Sammy Venturi Jacob Parsons

What species is Admiral Ackbar?

Mon Calamari Human Twi'lek Ubese

What do the Yuuzhan Vong HATE?

Machines Living things Plants

What does Anakin ask Padme' when first meets her?

"Are you an angel?" "Who are you?" "Hi, I'm Anakin, what's your name?"

What species of alien is Shaak Ti?

Togruta Twi'lek Gran

What is the name of the leader of the gungans?

Boss Nass Boss Kast Boss Mass

What was the name of the sith lord that slayed Obi-Wan Kenobi's master Qui-gon Jinn?

Darth Maul Darth Revan Darth Tyranus Darth Nihilus

What member of Rogue Squadron finds Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in the desert of snow on Hoth?

Rogue 2 Rogue 10 Rogue 8 It wasn't a member of Rogue squadron

Which clone commander killed Stass Allie

Commander Neyo Commander Thire Commander Bly Commander Gree Commander Appo Commander Bacara

Which one of these First names belong to one of Han and Leia Solo's children? (three answers are right)

Anakin Miko Jaina Valin Mara Jade Jacen

Plo Koon escaped the clone troopers when order 66 was given.

True False

What does Han Solo say right after Luke destroys the Death Star?

Great shot kid, that was one in a million!!! You did it kid, great shot!!! Great shot kid, that was unbelievable!!!

What species of alien is Sebulba?

Dug Selkath Kryll Gran

What is the name of the city that the gungans live in?

Otah Gunga Yuno Gungah Asteh Gungano

On cloud city, Darth Vader's plan is to freeze Luke in what?

Carbonite Tibannite Serconion Fraylite

What is the name of Luke Skywalker's son?

Ben Skywalker Obi-Wan Skywalker Qui-Gon Skywalker Anakin Skywalker

In the books, which one of these charactors is dead.

Chewbacca Han Solo Leia Organa Solo Luke Skywalker

What is the name of the charactor, who in real life, is Ewan Mcgregor's (who plays Obi-Wan in Episodes 1,2,and3) uncle.

Wedge Antilles Chewbacca Han Solo Luke Skywalker

Talon Karrde is the captain of what vessel?

The Wild Karrde The Errant Venture The Ebon Hawk The Rogue Eagle

What are the grenades that the gungans use called?

Boomas Energy Bombs Gungan Boombas Deboombas

Padme` Amidala was born with a different last name. Can you tell me what that last name happens to be?

Naberrie Anibala Arsanyl Kenalker

All storm troopers are clones.

True False

What type of ship does Boba Fett own.

UVY-22000 Tri-obliterator J-20 Warp 8 Jumper Fire spray Interceptor upgraded RED-6 Quad Tredger

What kind of dart did Jango Fett shoot at Zam Wessel?

Kamino Saberdart Kamino Venimdart Precise Poison Dart


Because it dose The author is a GEEK yes supercalifragilisticexpealidociuos

What is Commander Bly's unit number?

5052 1986 1094 3492

Anakin made a necklace for Padme' out of what kind of wood?

Japor It wasn't wood. He never made her a necklace. Wuipui Raingol

In the battle of Hoth in episode V, what is the name of Wedge Antilles' gunner?

Wes Janson Dak Vessar Hobbie Kamedda Jek Porkins

True Or False: At some point in Episode VI, Darth Vader is aware that he has a son and a daughter.

True False

What is Commander Neyo's unit number?

8826 1138 2224 3845

What were Boba Fett's Favorite things to do while he was growing up on Kamino. (two answers are right.)

Read Watch clone troopers train Watch rain fall Sit in the rain Play with his dad's eel

What planet does the first Death Star orbit above?

Yavin Endor


So, there are no sith rankings. Well, "Jedi" is a pretty low rank, (only higher than padawan) next is Jedi Knight, then Jedi master, I'm pretty sure. tells me im a jedi, is that better than sith, depends on yr opinion i guess Too tough for you!!! this test is "very....uhhh....interesting"!!!!!
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Star Wars Test To


What Clone Trooper You


Which I Am Quiz


Species Jedi Master Quizzes


The Name Of Luke


S First Born? Leia


Or Rey Padme? Ranking


Commander Starwars Test.com Kind


Wooden Necklace Rank Specialized


Trivia Testranking One You?

