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Test: Common Insects of North America

Category: Insects

Description: Test your knowledge of common north american insects

Keywords: insects bugs

What type of insect is this?

Praying Mantis Cicada Walking Stick Grasshopper

What type of insect is this?

Red Bug Clown Beetle Ladybug Travertine Beetle

What type of insect is this?

Praying Mantis Black Widow Wingless Fly Ant

What type of insect is this?

Armadillo Cicada Dung beetle Mole cricket

What type of insect is this?

Cricket Grasshopper Mantis Stick bug

What type of insect is this?

Vampire bug House fly Tse-Tse fly Mosquito

What kind of insect is this?

Walking stick Stink bug Japanese Beetle Millipede

What type of insect is this?

Dragonfly Horsefly Monarch butterfly Viceroy butterfly

What type of insect is this?

Grasshopper Cricket Praying Mantis Dragonfly

What type of insect is this?

Earwig Pincher beetle Sand cricket Grasshopper


I really enjoyed that test I love insects.They are a very important part of life on this beautiful planet earth.
Ant Pincher Bug Cricket Insect Cricket Trivia Bug Trivia Crickets Bug Trivia Common House Bugs Common House Bugs Insects With Pinchers Ants Insects Quiz Funny Stick Insects Funny Bug Facts Pincher Beetles Cricket Mole Insect Facts Www.commonhousebugs Simple Insect Quiz Preymantis Facts Common Housebugs Stick Bug Facts Vampire Tests Pincher Beetle Facts About Pincher Bugs North America STICK PRAYING MANTIS PICTURE Quizzes For Insects Common Hous Bugs Test About Insects Cicada Funny Facts Funny Facts On Stick Insects North America Trivia Cricket Insect Facts Trivia Th Bug Cricket Fun Facts Insects In North America 2008 Vampire Bug Stink Bugs And Interesting Facts Common North American Insects Insect Quiz North American Pincher Beetles


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