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Test: The Death Test

Category: Humor

Description: Find out what age you're going to die at. How long will you live?

Do you work in a mine?

Yes No

Do you get migraines?

Yes No

Do you live in a major city?

Yes No

Do you eat your vegetables?

Yes No

Do you eat a lot of red meat?

Yes No

Do you stress out about little things?

Yes No

Have you ever used any illegal drugs?

Yes No

Have you ever been hospitalized because of an accident caused by doing something stupid?

Yes No

Do you live in third-world country?

Yes No

Are you a roofer?

Yes No

Do you have heart disease?

Yes No

Does your car have airbags?

Yes No

Are you a workaholic?

Yes No

Have you ever broken a bone?

Yes No

Are you above your "ideal" weight?

Yes No

Do you drink soda often?

Yes No

Do you wear glasses?

Yes No

Do you have high cholesterol?

Yes No

Are you married?

Yes No

Is your job considered "manual labor?"

Yes No

Have you been to the dentist in the last 6 months?

Yes No

Did you graduate from high school?

Yes No

Do you have any pets?

Yes No

Do you have asthma?

Yes No

Have you ever been in a car when someone has driven drunk?

Yes No

Has anyone in your family had Alzheimers?

Yes No

Do you live in an area with smog?

Yes No

Do you have enough fiber in your diet?

Yes No

Did any of your grandparents live into their 80's or higher?

Yes No

Do you get at least 8 hours of sleep per night?

Yes No

Do you have a chronic nagging cough?

Yes No

Can you laugh at your mistakes?

Yes No

Do you get drunk more than once a week?

Yes No

Do you live in "the ghetto?"

Yes No

Are you happy?

Yes No

Do you take any medications on a daily basis?

Yes No

Have you ever been fired from a job?

Yes No

Do you go to the doctor for an annual physical?

Yes No

Do you have a license to drive a motorcycle?

Yes No

Have you ever been to any type of counseling?

Yes No

Do you exercise at least three times per week for at least 30 minutes?

Yes No

Do you smoke?

Yes No

Are you a commercial fisherman?

Yes No

Do you speed when you drive?

Yes No

Do you have good posture?

Yes No

Do you live with someone who smokes?

Yes No

Do you have anger issues?

Yes No

Are you ugly?

Yes No

Do you have diabetes?

Yes No

Are you a firefighter?

Yes No

Are you:

Male Female

Have you ever used steroids?

Yes No

Do you have high blood pressure?

Yes No

Do you hold grudges?

Yes No

Have you ever driven drunk?

Yes No

Do you fight crime?

Yes No

Do you own a gun?

Yes No

Do you take public transportation to work?

Yes No

Did you graduate from college?

Yes No

In the past year, have you ever stayed up all night?

Yes No

Have you ever attempted suicide?

Yes No

Has your doctor ever talked to you about your weight?

Yes No

Do you make enough money to be considered above the poverty line?

Yes No


Death Test Find Out When And How Your Going To Die


Test Find Out When


How Your Going To
