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Test: The REAL Dumb Laws of New York State

Category: Geography

Description: Some of these laws will surprise you I'm sure.


You may not smoke within 200 feet of the entrance a public building.

only 100 feet. True False

You're not aloud to talk to anyone while riding in an elevator.

True False

It is illegal for women to wear "body hugging clothing".

True False

It is against the law to stomp on someone's foot for fun.

Nope, but it is illegal to throw a ball at someone's head for fun. True False

The only day of the week a person may walk around with an ice creme cone in his/her pocket is Sunday.

Sunday is the only day that you can't walk around with ice creme in your pocket. True False

It is illegal to wear slippers after 9:30 P.M.

It's illegal to wear slippers after 10:00 P.M. True False

Citizens may not greet each other by "putting one's thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers'.

True False

Women may go topless in public, providing it is not for a business.

True False

The penelty for jumping off a building is death.(Yeah, that's a law. NOT a warning.)

True False

A fine of $25 may be levied for flirting.

True False


Dumb Laws True False Questions Laws True Or False Slippers Are Not To Be Worn After 10 00 PM. Strange Laws Quiz True False Dumb Laws In New York In Ny It Is Illegal To Wear What After 10pm Random Laws Nys Dumb Laws New York True Or False Questions Wearing Slippers After 10 Pm In Ny Since When Nys Slipper Law Dumb Laws Of New York True Or False Law Funny 10 Silly Laws In New York Slippers New York 10 Pm Dumb Nys Laws Dumb Law Quiz Real Dumb Laws New York State Law Slippers After 10pm Slippers Are Not To Be Worn After 10 00 Pm Illegal To Wear Slippers After 10 PM Nys Wearing Slippers After 10pm Crazy State Laws True Or False Cant Put Thumb On Nose New York Wearing Slippers After 10pm Since When Can You Not Greet Each Other By putting Ones Thumb To The Nose And Wiggling The Fingers. Funny Stae Laws Nys Dumbest Laws New Dumb Laws Legal To Wear Slippers On Street True Or False Laws Funny Ny Laws Wearing Slippers Ny Random State Laws Dumb Newyork State Laws Random Laws In Ny New York State True Or False


Laws True False Questions


Slippers Are Not To


Worn After 10 00


Strange Quiz In New


Ny It Is Illegal


What 10pm Random Nys


Pm Since When Slipper


Of Funny Silly Real


PM Crazy Cant Put


On Nose Can You


Each Other By putting


The And Wiggling Fingers.


Dumbest Legal Street Newyork