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Test: The Colophon Character Selection Quiz

Category: Gaming

Description: A quiz to help you find which Nodiatis profession is best for you.

Keywords: nodiatis, colophon, online, rpg, mmo, mmorph, pvp, pve, hardcore, free

Relevant Website: www.colophon.darkbb.com

Are you...

Impatient Resilient Aggressive Artful

You plan to be a character who…

Heals and protects Attacks with pointy sticks of death shot from a bow. Hits things. Hard. Makes things - including a profit when you sell them :P Does something... just not sure what yet. kills... WITH MIND BULLETS! That's magic, to anyone named Kyle or othewise...

Which appeals to you the most...

Destruction Corruption Salvation Restoration Equilibrium Restriction

Do you intend to pay?

Yes No Possibly

Do we prefer...

Crafting and selling Being generally well-balanced Raw strength Beefcake level health Magic enough to brim over with brimstone and fury The agility of one of those rubber snake pool toy things... man are they slippy. Worse than soap in prison showers... Having time to mock your foes as you drain his health away, through bleeding, disease and other methods High defensive power


spot on man
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