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Test: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Test

Category: Gaming

Description: How much do you know about The Force Unleashed?

Keywords: Star Wars The Force Unleashed

When did the idea for the game come along?

2004 2005 2006 2007 2003

What is the name of the apprentices father?

Kento Marik Galin Marik Atton Marik

Did the Emporer know about the apprentice.

Yes No

When did it come out?

September August October December

The Emporer is the master of the apprentice.

True False

The game is set between_______.

3 and 4 4 and 5 2 and 3

What is the apprentices name?

Kento Marik Galin Marik Brillia Marik


Force Unleashed Test .com Galin Marik Star Wars The Force Unleashed Test The Force Unleashed Test Swfu Test Kento Marik


Unleashed Test .com Galin


Star Wars The Swfu
