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Test: Are you masculine?

Category: Current Events

Description: A test that guys and girls can take to determine if they are manly. >:D


Large mouth bass are very juicy and delicous, very easy to filet too.

True False

If you were to ask out a girl, what method would you use?

Text message FTW. Call her. Ask her right there in person. I am a girl/****sexual

When fishing, what DON'T you do?

Put lures for different fish in the same tackle box Anchor in shallow water Both A & B Put a worm on a beetle lure

Do you own a firearm, bow or crossbow?

Yes No

Fill in the blank- I am gonna go home and......

Go Hunting Play some video games and wait for dinner Order a pizza and play Warcraft for the rest of the night

A 22. LR rifle uses centerfire ammunition.

True False

You normally hunt white tailed deer with a....

70lb draw compound bow 20 ga shotgun M1A1 abrams savage arms 22. LR rifle

A sapling is an old, bendy tree.

True False

Were you in any kind of battle/war?

No Yes

In WoW a level 20 tauren can kill a plainstrider

Sure, why not. I dont know what a WoW is. Well that depends on the agility and level of said plainstrider.


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