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Test: idiot test

Category: Humor

Description: r u an idiot? find out today!!


do you like cookies?

Yes No only geeks like cookies

your mates can be boring

True False sometimes...

what is 1000+10+1000+20+1000+30+1000+40= i bet you can't get this one!!!

5000 4200 4100 600000 100010100020100030100040

if 2+2=3 what does 5+5=?

6 9 4 78

your little brother gets drunk at new years eve parties and starts singing cliff richard songs

True False my little brothers only 3!

does 1+1=window

Yes No

is a giraffe 1mm tall?

True False How should i know?!

this question holds no information, nothing at all!

Yes No

you have probably thought that this test is really boring but now im going to get your brain working!!!!

FINALLY! aw great...

should i have porridge or cookies for my breakfast?

porridge! naw, the cookies are a much better choice! trick question yet again! why dont you just have something normal for a change!

if bread goes into a toaster what comes out?

toast! bread! waffles! sun ripened tomatoes cookies!

ok then if you think you have done well in the test so far click the "yes" answer if not click "no"

yes i have done well so far! no i have done rubbish so far! meh... highest score ever!!!!!

what is a tomato?

fruit vegetable trick question


I just want to take the sample written drivers test.